Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization and its efficiency on sports performance


  • Katarína Repová
  • Libor Čief


Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization, Sport performance, Rehabilitation


Neuromuscular stability is necessary for optimal sport performance. Stability is not achieved only by abdominal muscles, spine extensors and gluteals, but it is accomplished by precise coordination of these muscles and intra-abdominal pressure by the central nervous system. A primary role of the core muscles stability is to raise the intra-abdominal pressure and to increase the tension in the thoracolumbar fascia. Postural core instability is associated with poor dynamic balance control and with a high risk of injury or fall. Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization (DNS) is a rehabilitative approach to optimize the movement system based upon the scientific principles of developmental kinesiology and provides an effective tool in rehabilitation of sport injuries.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24040/sjss.2024.9.1.18-28

