Assessment and role of physical activity as a factor affecting subjective perception of students' satisfaction


  • Miroslava Barcalová
  • Erika Liptáková
  • Silvia Mrázková


physical activity, physical exercise, university students, Worlds Health Organisation


The paper aims to provide analysis of Slovak university students’ physical activity during state-ordered distance learning in the academic year 2021/2022 (the COVID-19 pandemic). The data were obtained in form of a questionnaire survey. In the analytical part, the focus is on weekly time that students devoted to regular exercise and quantification of physical activity versus subjective perception of selected physical and psychological satisfaction and health indicators. To meet the paper’s objectives, a two-sample t-test was used to test statistical significance of differences between men and women, and parametric and non-parametric correlation analysis methods. In terms of age structure majority of students falls into young adults’ category, in which physical activity has only a small positive effect on the subjective perception of satisfaction. Majority of students exercised on average up to 50 minutes per week, which is less than weekly physical activity during regular face-to-face lessons of Physical Education.


