Bibliotheca Universitatis
Časopis Univerzitnej knižnice Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici. Vychádza od roku 2005.
Slovak Journal Of Sport Science
Dear colleagues
Welcome to our journal
SLOVAK JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCEThe Slovak Journal of Sport science (SJSS) is a scientific, indexed and peer-reviewed journal focused on issues related to sports performance and sports medicine.
SJSS is aimed at the professional sports community.
The journal is published in electronic form.
Journal is indexed in the EBSCO, ERIH+, DOAJ database -
Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii: series Environmental Management
ACTA UNIVERSITATIS MATTHIAE BELI series Environmental Management was a scientific journal offering the possibility of publishing scientific findings and results in environmental management.
Publication of the journal was discontinued in 2019.
This website is an archive of the articles published between 2017 - 2019.